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Dr Mahwash Masood graduated from dental college overseas in 1999 and completed 1 year of residency in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery .She moved to Canada after marriage and worked in a community dental set up for 4 years. After obtaining her Australian license in 2006, she experienced Australian lifestyles by working in private practices in different parts of Australia before finally settling in Geelong. Mahwash completed her mini residency in TMD, Pain and sleep from Brisbane in 2010, which changed her approach to diagnosis and treatment planning completely. She joined the AACP (American Association of Cranio-Facial Pain) and extended her training in the field through CPD courses. Her interest in the field became personal when Mahwash realized her 3-year-old daughter had all symptoms of sleep apnea. The journey to learn more about treatment of sleep apnea in paediatric patients ended up in a 3-year orthodontic mini residency. Mahwash has been practicing orthodontics since 2013 and is passionate about early intervention orthodontics due to her personal experience. Her approach to orthodontic treatment is not just about creating beautiful smiles, but also about treating the underlying cause of malocclusion, correcting postures and to maintain form and function for a healthy life. Mahwash spends most of her free time with her teenage daughter. She enjoys the outdoors, hiking, travelling and cooking in her spare time.
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Dr Elena Ng-Chie may be the newest member of Dental Spa, but she comes with a wealth of experience in all facets of general dentistry. Dr Elena graduated from Otago University in 1995 and since then has been a valued member of both Private Practices and the Queensland Public Health System. Her passion for Dentistry has seen her volunteer her skills to an Orphanage, Supervise Griffith University Dental Students, and lead educational visits to schools during Dental Health Week. With a focus on conservative and preventative dentistry, Dr Elena seeks to make patients feel as comfortable as possible during their visits and to provide clear goals and treatment plans for each procedure. In her spare time, Elena loves spending time with Family (including two mischievous dogs), playing music, attending Church, and going for long walks.
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